Home >> Types of Kayaks >> White Water Kayaks >> Wave Sport Fuse - WhiteOut
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Wavesport Fuse 56 - WhiteOut - Cherry Bomb

Wavesport Fuse 56 - WhiteOut - Cherry Bomb

Wave Sport Fuse - WhiteOut

A River Running Whitewater Playboat

When you first get into a Fuse you know that Wavesport have designed a winner. The seating position is wide and comfortable with a large cockpit, perfectly positioned thigh braces and a real playboat feel. The WhiteOut seat comes with a ratchet backrest and the optional hip pads will ensure a good fit, especially as the Fuse comes in three sizes.

With plenty of volume in the bow for resurfacing and popping tricks in the right hands the Fuse can play all the way down the hill yet the hull design is very forgiving with a high degree of stability. This means that even novice whitewater kayakers won't feel out of their depth and a reassuring level of secondary stability gives the longer waterline a chance to carve across the river in a similar manner to a smaller river runner. This is where the stern volume also comes in handy - that extra thickness means that accidental squirts are far less likely and the down river experience becomes more predictable.

The Fuse will never replace your favourite big creeker and isn't designed to. Conversely if all you do is find a wave and play all day then perhaps the Mobius is more in your line. However, if you want the nearest thing to a Freeride boat that can cope with playing, river running and even surfing your local break then check out the Fuse.


  • WhiteOut Seat System
  • Ratchet Adjustable Backband
  • Foam Footrest
  • 2 x Security Grab Handles
  • Optional Hip Pads - Sold Separately

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