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Throwlines & Throw Bags

Rescue Throwlines & Throw Bags

Throw lines for white water safety, range of models available with different lengths and thicknesses of high quality floating rope.

HF Weasel 18m

Compact throwline, perfect for when you are limited on space. The HF Weasel can also be fitted to waist belt.


Palm Lightning 18m

Palm's ultra compact 18m throw line with 8mm rope. Easy to throw, quick to pack again and so compact & light there is no excuse not to carry one.


Palm Pro Throwlines

The Palm Pro Throwlines feature detachable floating ropes and a durable CORDURA floating bag.


Peak Throwline - Orange/Blue

High quality throw lines available in 15m or 20m sizes with 9.5mm floating rope


Peak Guide Belt

Throwline belt for keeping your throwline close by - popular for instructors, guides and coaches.


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