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White Water Safety & Rescue

Safety & Rescue Equipment for WW Kayaking

Safety and rescue equipment for white water kayaking on moving water - wide range of equipment available. Please seek training to ensure you know how to use the equipment safely.

HF Weasel 18m

Compact throwline, perfect for when you are limited on space. The HF Weasel can also be fitted to waist belt.


Palm Lightning 18m

Palm's ultra compact 18m throw line with 8mm rope. Easy to throw, quick to pack again and so compact & light there is no excuse not to carry one.


Palm Pro Throwlines

The Palm Pro Throwlines feature detachable floating ropes and a durable CORDURA floating bag.


NRS Co-Pilot Rescue Knife

The NRS Co-Pilot features a 2.25" blunt ended blade with both smooth and serrated cutting edges as well as a bottle opener. A compact design that will fit in or on most PFDs.


Palm Wire gate Karabiner

Alloy wire gate karabiner that fits over most paddle shafts.


Palm HMS Screw Gate Karabiner

The Palm HMS Screw Gate Karabiner has an anodised finish and a clean nose closure with a screw mechanism for securing the gate closed.


Palm Prusik Minding Pulley

The Palm Prusik Minding Pulley is an essential part of any whitewater rescue kit, providing mechanical advantage during pin and complex rescues.


Palm Safety Tape

5m high visibility safety tape which can be used as a sling or short tow line. Small and easy to store on your PFD ready for quick deployment.


Palm Snake Sling

A 4m tubular webbing with stitched loops at either end. It can be used as towing sling, prussik or anchor.


Palm Cowtail Pro

The Palm Cowtail Pro is an elasticated attachment for use with personal floatation device harness systems.


Palm Autolock Karabiner

Palm Autolock Karabiner is a high quality anodised aluminium karabiner with a fast and convenient Autolock system allowing for quick & easy one hand operation.


Lifesystems Waterproof First Aid Kit

Utilizing a tough, waterproof material, this kit contains first aid equipment for injuries typically sustained from watersports and outdoor activites.


11mm High Tensile floating rope

High quality, rescue grade floating 10mm Polypropylene Rope


Lifesystems Survival Bag

A durable and lightweight survival bag which offers protection from the elements in the event of an accident, trauma or exposed situation.


Peak Throwline - Orange/Blue

High quality throw lines available in 15m or 20m sizes with 9.5mm floating rope


Peak Guide Belt

Throwline belt for keeping your throwline close by - popular for instructors, guides and coaches.


Palm Folding Knife

A folding, lockable rescue knife for Kayaking or canoeing.


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